
Thank you for taking the time to read through our FAQ’s. We have compiled a list of comprehensive questions asked by parents over the last decade.

What is so special about our course? What is the difference between your creative writing class and others that I have been to?

We teach advanced literary devices, pitched to an age-appropriate level of understanding. Literary devices include similes and metaphors, story settings, hyperbole and alliteration, building suspense and atmosphere, emotive phrases, etc. These are imparted through fun and interesting activities as well as games that provide each child with a unique writing experience.

Scaffolding of skills and structured approach
At our centre, each lesson builds on the last, subsequent worksheets are built upon skills taught in earlier lessons. Each worksheet is based on a structured approach, with each step, we increase the amount of writing independence. This allows our teachers to evaluate each child’s understanding at each stage of the activity.

Other centres give them a selected theme (A robbery) with descriptive phrases (for robbery) and expect them to produce their own stories. Before the exam, children will memorise as many stories and descriptive phrases as they can. The downside happens when the stories they memorize, do not appear in their composition exam. What a waste of effort!

At our Centre, we impart writing skills that bring out the natural creativity of a child. We do teach phrases but most importantly, we teach them techniques to come up with these original phrases. Your child will have the skills that allow them the flexibility to write equally well across all story themes.

I noticed that your classes are organized into writing levels instead of primary levels, so which one do I sign up for?

Our syllabus is rather challenging, that is why we organised our classes into writing levels not primary levels to better reflect the children’s ability. This is because some students are not able to cope. For example, a P2 child is not able to cope in a Writing level 2 class and so they join Writing level 1.

If you feel that your child is a bit weaker it is better to take an easier class to build confidence. Because once the child ends up disliking something, it is very hard for them to excel at it.

Unlike mathematics or science when a new level means new topics taught, writing is the same, just more difficult words and phrases, and a longer story to write. If you jump levels, thinking it will be better for your child, you will miss out on the easier words and phrases which are useful, and not to mention, easier to use.

It is entirely possible for a P6 child to do level 5 writing and still do very well for the PSLE because his/her foundation is strong.

If you are unsure as to which level to sign up, scan the QR code at the bottom to send us some samples of your child’s worksheets and writing for a quick review. However, if your child has a strong command of the English language and is an avid reader you can go ahead and register. E.g. Primary 4 this year? Then sign up for Writing level 4.

My child has not joined your classes before, will he/she have a problem if he/she joins now?

Since the children will be grouped based on ability, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. This allows young writers to proceed at their own level of competence. Your child should be able to easily pick up what is taught in the worksheets. This will ensure that they get to experience the sense of achievement that is needed to build confidence when they write.

He / She will definitely be able to catch the wave of creativity within a term of 12 lessons! Rest assured that our team of dedicated teachers would also ensure that your child does not fall behind.

My child missed out on the earlier terms; will it affect his/her understanding of the lessons?

A child may join us at any term as each term is independent. We do not accept new intake in the middle of the term as each subsequent lesson builds on the previous worksheets within the term. The only difference is that different writing skills are taught every term.

Since we teach different writing skills every term, your child is strongly encouraged to join all 4 terms, so as to gain a comprehensive study of all the writing techniques. Besides, frequent application of skills also help build writing confidence! Remember the famous saying: Repetition is the mother of skill!

I cannot decide if I should send my child to an English course or to your writing class... OR My child is very weak in English, especially in grammar. Will this course help my child with grammar and vocabulary? Should I sign up for an English revision class instead?

Students who spend a lot of time writing, will get better at writing. (And students who practice answering MCQ’s on tests will get better at answering MCQ questions.) The best way to develop a skill is to practice in a way that is as similar as possible to the skill you want to develop. And the primary reason we learn English is, to write.

Unless you make the decision to choose courses that meaningfully reinforce knowledge, your children will not be able to master the language skillfully.

Writing stories provide opportunities for pupils to acquire English Language skills on a deeper level based on understanding and usage.

The writing process is an outlet for pupils to apply grammatical rules with purpose. Writers have to constantly decide which tenses to use when writing. The writer has to critically reflect which tenses are used, in present as well as past. The constant revision of tenses in writing helps pupils understand the reasoning and logic behind the use of various tenses.

Since writing is also about making word choices, writing helps them put into practice the seldom-used words that are stored in their memory since they have to constantly flex their memory in order to recollect the words needed to write a story. They will also learn new words that will help broaden their pool of vocabulary. All of these will serve to aid them to easily recall words in an unseen vocabulary cloze in Paper 2.

Since writing improves grammar and vocabulary, it comes as no surprise that students who do well in Paper 1 naturally do well in Paper 2!

Invest wisely in your child’s future. Insist that your child masters the English language through writing; NOT by solely attending a drill and practice English class!

What do our pupils do every lesson? Will they have homework?

Children will have to complete a worksheet every lesson with guided instructions by the teacher. The teacher will ask questions that help draw out the ideas and demonstrate the thought processes. At the end of some lessons, there will be games for children to internalise what they have learnt through play!

All work is to be completed in class, we do not give them homework. We feel that it is not necessary to burden them with more work in addition to their schoolwork. Furthermore, children ought to revise the returned worksheets the following week in order to retain what was being taught.

Is there an entry test?

There is a diagnostic test in Term 1, not an entry test. It is for our teachers to ascertain your child’s literacy level so that they will be better able to guide your child in the following lessons.

My P1 or P2 child cannot really read or write very well. Is this course suitable for him/her? What will they learn?

For Primary 1 children, they are not able to spell many words. However, they can give plenty of ideas and suggestions. Teachers will write the answers on the board are formulated by brainstorming as a class, by the sharing of knowledge and leveraging on stronger responses.

Children who join writing classes will write faster. Not only will they become better at writing; they will write quickly. And this will benefit the rest of the other subjects.

We spend a lot of time forming sentences as well as introducing new vocabulary words, helping them to spell the words that they already know but they do not know how to spell.

We also teach them the convention of writing - 2 finger paragraph spacing, leaving a line after each sentence, the punctuation rules of basic writing as well as learning how to write neatly on foolscap paper.

For Writing level 1, we write about half a foolscap long. And for Writing level 2, it is about one foolscap long. Given a span of 1 to 2 terms, you will be able to see a vast improvement in your child’s reading and writing fluency.

My child is in K2 now. He / She can read and write rather well as I have sent him / her for phonics class when he / she was younger. Can he / she join your P1 class?

Yes, we do have a handful of K2 children who is currently attending our Writing level 1 class. However, our manager will have to assess the standard of these K2 children to ensure that they are able to cope with the content of our P1 curriculum. Please WhatsApp us by scanning the QR code at the bottom so that we can assess your child.

Note: The parents of these K2 children choose to enroll their children in our P1 class so as to get a head start and prepare them for the P1 admission in the mainstream schools. Some parents may choose to let their children repeat the terms in our P1 course in the following year, depending on the individual child’s progress. We do not dissuade parents from doing so since repetition is the mother of skill!

My child reads a lot, yet he/she cannot write very well. Why is this so?

Over the years, we have heard many parents tell us, “My child is an avid reader, but he or she is an uninspired or unskilled writer.” Most children love to read but have little interest in writing

Reading widely and frequently is important, but just reading alone will not necessarily improve writing. Yet, reading and writing cannot be separated. Reading is breathing in; writing is breathing out.

The reason is, he/she may not be able to express their ideas in writing very well, as he/she is not equipped with the right writing techniques to communicate his/her thoughts effectively.

At our Centre, we change the way they read stories. We help them identify the various writing techniques such as metaphors, personification etc. Now when they start to read, they will be aware of the skills used, they will unconsciously pick out these phrases, modify these phrases and start using them in their written stories.

If my child cannot make it for classes, are there make up lessons?

If you request for a make-up lesson, we will first check to see if there are other classes conducting the same lesson. If they are not at full capacity, we will accommodate make up students. Please understand that parents will complain that the class is overcrowded. That being said, try to WhatsApp us one week in advance for us to help you arrange.

Please note the provision of make-up lessons is out of goodwill and at our sole discretion. We reserve the right to not give a make-up lesson if a parent abuses this goodwill. As such you are strongly advised to attend the prescribed timings.

How long will it take before I start seeing results in my child’s composition?

On creativity: We have had many children making improvements after 1 or 2 terms. It really depends on the willingness of the child to ‘apply’ the skills taught in our classes. It is no secret that when they apply the skills, their teachers immediately notice the techniques used and as a result, awards the child higher marks.

On Grammar:
Unlike a diet of assessment books filled with endless grammar MCQ questions, our children apply their grammar rules purposefully and are able to learn effectively from their mistakes and therefore retain the reasoning. Writing is a dynamic subject, unlike Mathematics, in which many varieties of expression result in a higher quality of writing. There is no shortcut to creativity. We ask for parents to be patient with the results. Switching to another Centre before our teacher can gain a deeper insight into the problems your child faces, is detrimental to your child’s progress.

What is the secret?
Remind your children to revise their returned worksheets weekly. Many top writers tell us this is the secret to their success.

Will there be lessons if it falls on a Public Holiday?

No, there will be no lessons on Public Holidays. Please refer to the academic calendar in your child’s yellow file for the lesson dates. Rest assured that your child will still get to attend 10 lessons in a term.

I am keen to participate, how do I register?

The Community Centre collect the course fees for us. So you may register online via the PA website or over the counter at ANY Community Centre or at the 24 hour eKiosk.

Key in ‘TLEC’ in the search box, check to make sure it is the correct outlet, writing level, day and time. Please register carefully as there will be a $15 admin fee for all transfers and 20% refund penalty.

If you cannot find an answer to your question here, we invite you to WhatsApp us. Scan the QR code to reach us. Thank you.

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